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Thesis submission steps
Myranda Scherschligt avatar
Written by Myranda Scherschligt
Updated over a week ago
  1. Acquire an editor no later than January 15th for spring submission (optional). Requests made after this date may not be fulfilled.

  2. Late-August/Early-September: Attend a required format workshop with the CTW and the Library.

  3. March 1st: Submit a PDF copy of your thesis to Please also submit one hard copy bound in a three-ring binder and printed on one side only for the format review team. Mail to or drop off at:

    c/o Leslie Altena
    CTW Office, 4th Floor, Andreas Center
    Westminster Theological Seminary
    2960 Church Road
    Glenside, PA, 19038

    ​If Dr. Altena is not in her office, you may instead leave your dissertation in her mailbox on the main floor of the Andreas Center.

    After submitting or mailing the hard copy, send an email to both and letting us know.

  4. Pay the thesis fee (due upon initial submission).

  5. Student Success will distribute the PDF of your dissertation to the following reviewers: (a) the format review team (Dr. Leslie Altena and CTW staff), (b) your advisor, and (c) your second reader (WTS faculty member in your field)

  6. The format review team will complete an initial format check-in. If you pass this initial check-in, they will continue on to do a full format review. If you fail this initial check-in, you will be required to make changes and resubmit a new hard copy.

  7. Review feedback from reviewers and edit your thesis in preparation for your oral comprehensive exam.

  8. Complete your comprehensive exam with your advisor. 

  9. Submit two final hard copies by May 15th.
    - One copy on 20-24 lb, 100% cotton, 8.5 in x 11 in white paper
    - One copy on regular printer paper
    - No hole punches on either copy

    ​Mail to or drop off at:
    c/o Myranda Scherschligt
    Academic Support Office, 2nd floor, Machen Hall
    Westminster Theological Seminary
    2960 Church Road
    Glenside, PA, 19038

  10. Sign the plagiarism pledge by May 1st.

  11. Send your completed TREN release form to by May 1st.

Note: When submission deadlines fall on a weekend, the deadline will be moved to the following Monday.

Students completing their ThM requirements in the fall (not typical) may submit their completed thesis on October 1st and their final copies on December 15th. If an editor is needed, the request should be made by August 15th for fall submissions. The process for submission, payment, and review otherwise remains the same as above.

For more comprehensive details, please review the ThM Student Handbook.

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