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Greek and Hebrew recommended tracks
Lauren Finlayson avatar
Written by Lauren Finlayson
Updated over a week ago

Greek and Hebrew Language Sequences 

It is important to follow the sequences below in order to complete your language requirements without running into prerequisite issues.

Language Sequences

If you are beginning your program in the fall semester, you will need to take a Greek course during the fall, winter, and spring semesters to stay on track.

If you are beginning your program in the spring semester, you will need to take a Greek course in the spring, and the following summer to stay on track. 

There are multiple options for completing the Hebrew requirement. You are welcome to choose whichever sequence works best for you. 

Recommended Course Schedules for MDiv and MAR Programs

Due to the sequencing of courses with language prerequisites, if you are an MDiv student who hopes to complete the degree in three years or an MAR student who hopes to complete the degree in two years, you must complete both the Greek and Hebrew language requirements during your first academic year. 

Information regarding competency and placement exams can be found here

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