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Purpose of the ThM program
Justin Rainey avatar
Written by Justin Rainey
Updated over a week ago

Our Master of Theology (ThM) program allows students to study theology in an enriching way, focusing on areas that interest them. Our program's goals, requirements and timelines are explained here.

The ThM degree is offered in two fields: biblical studies and historical and theological studies. Each candidate must select a concentration within his or her chosen field.

For traditional (non-modular) ThM students, two concentrations are offered in the biblical studies field: Old Testament and New Testament; and three concentrations are offered in the historical and theological studies field: church history, systematic theology, and apologetics. 

Please refer to the modular ThM and London ThM program sections for their respective concentration offerings.

Each candidate is assigned an academic adviser by their corresponding field committee. 

The Hermeneutics and Biblical interpretation field committee supervises the work of the candidates in the biblical studies field. The historical and theological studies field committee supervises the work of the candidates in the theological studies field.

Master of Theology (ThM) Degree Program
A student who holds a baccalaureate degree and the MDiv degree or first graduate theological degree providing equivalent theological background—or its educational equivalent from approved institutions—receives the degree of Master of Theology (ThM) upon the completion of the prescribed program of study.

To satisfy the biblical languages requirement for the ThM program, the applicant must have the equivalent of the Greek and Hebrew requirements for the MDiv or MAR programs at Westminster prior to admission. 

The purpose of the ThM is to increase the student’s knowledge of a major field of theological learning, particularly through training and practice in the use of the methods and tools of theological research, and thus to further his preparation for a pastoral ministry, for teaching ministry, or for more advanced graduate study.

ThM Student Learning Goals
Upon graduation, the student will:

  1. Demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in the student’s chosen field of study and cognate fields.

  2. Demonstrate the ability to produce a scholarly work that makes an original contribution to the student’s chosen discipline.

  3. Demonstrate further preparation for pastoral ministry, teaching ministry, or more advanced graduate study.

  4. Demonstrate, in addition to Greek and Hebrew, a working knowledge of one additional language for scholarly research.

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