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Recycling containers
Karin Deussing avatar
Written by Karin Deussing
Updated over a week ago

Blue recycling bins can be found around campus. Here's how to fill them:

  1. Empty containers before recycling. Liquids such as water, carbonated beverages, juice, and so on can go down drains, as long as there are no particles (such as can be found in soup). Food particles of any size must be put in the garbage, not down the drain, in the interests of Seminary plumbing.

  2. Paper and cardboard free of food, empty glass containers, empty metal containers, and empty plastics marked with recycling code numbers 1-7 may be placed in the blue recycling bins. The recycling symbol is the triangular “chasing arrows” symbol on the plastic; the number is in the center of the triangle.

Learn more here about the recycling program of Cheltenham Township, the township in which the Seminary sits. Please help the Seminary be good stewards of our refuse and the environment.

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