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London ThM thesis submission process
London ThM thesis submission process
Justin Rainey avatar
Written by Justin Rainey
Updated over a week ago

Thesis Supervision 

From the beginning stages of thesis work, open communication between the student and the adviser is encouraged in order to guide student progress. Students should freely communicate with their adviser regarding feedback and need for clarification. Such advising may happen in person during modules, or remotely via phone video conference. Students may contact the director of the Pastors' Academy for more detailed expectations from their adviser.

Steps to Complete & Submit the Thesis

1. Have your Thesis Proposal Approved

Students should consult the director of the Pastors' Academy prior to applying for thesis topic approval by the chair of the field committee at Westminster. Upon approval, first reader and second readers will be assigned. The role of the second reader will vary. In certain cases, the role will involve reading the thesis at the marking stage; in other cases, it may involve some supervision. 

2. Ensure Proper Formatting and Scholarly Style

The ThM thesis must reflect a high standard of scholarly research and writing. It must conform to the format requirements outlined in the "Format Guidelines and Submission Requirements for WTS Theses" (Note: this page includes information for all WTS students who are submitting theses. London ThM submission requirements will follow the instructions here). Additional theological examples of footnote and bibliographic styles used at Westminster are provided in the Citation and Formatting Guide

In addition, the London seminary library contains copies of previous theses that can serve as excellent examples to students of high quality, proven standards. 

3. Submit your completed thesis & pay the thesis fee: March 1 of your final year

  • Your thesis fee should be paid to the Pastors' Academy. For current rates, click here

  • Submit a paper copy or PDF of your thesis to your advisor and submit a PDF of your thesis to Justin Rainey at The digital copy you send to Academic Affairs should be formatted to 8.5 x 11. 

  • During this time, the format review team at Westminster will review your thesis and provide you a report on any edits that may be required.

  • Use the following title page templates: 8.5 x 11

4. Schedule your comprehensive exam

The ThM 'comprehensive exam' may cover broader elements of the ThM, but its focus will be on the content of your thesis. In that regard, your exam is like a mini defense of your thesis. Normally, your defense is conducted in a one-on-one conversation with your advisor.

To schedule your comprehensive exam, simply arrange a time with your advisor, who will then report the results to Academic Affairs.

Note: Your research language exam must be complete prior to completing your comprehensive exam.

5. Submit your final copies: May 15
You may submit your thesis to Westminster in one of two ways:

Either, send two hard copies to Westminster.

Submit two hard copies. One must be regular copy paper and the other must be 100% cotton, 20-24 pound, white thesis (or CV) paper. Send to the following address:

Academic Affairs
Westminster Theological Seminary
2960 Church Road
Glenside, PA 19038

Or, have your thesis printed (cost: 50 GBP)

Send a PDF of your thesis to Justin Rainey ( and request to have your thesis printed for you.  The cost, which helps cover printing, is 50 GBP, which is payable to the Pastors' Academy. 

In addition, please send an additional PDF to the Pastors' Academy in order to be shelved in the London Seminary library. 

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