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Submitting a ThM Thesis Proposal
Myranda Scherschligt avatar
Written by Myranda Scherschligt
Updated over a week ago

Thesis proposals can only be submitted after the student has successfully completed three courses and the research language exam.*

The student should submit a well-organized proposal of his or her planned thesis topic. The proposal should be no more than two pages in length, double-spaced, and clearly state the topic and summarize of the student’s research. The student should also submit a one-page outline and a bibliography. The outline and bibliography should not be counted in the two pages. The total page count of the proposal and the outline/bibliography should be no more than 10 pages.

The student should submit his or her thesis proposal via email as a PDF to the Dean of Biblical and Theological Studies, Dr. Stephen Coleman and Cc the Program Manager, Myranda Scherschligt. If the work is satisfactory, the proposal will be sent to the entire field committee for review. The student will be notified of the decision by the Program Manager. Upon approval of the thesis proposal, the field committee will appoint an academic advisor.

The student’s thesis proposal must be approved by the field committee within one semester after the baseline coursework (six courses) is completed. All students must receive approval to pursue the thesis track. If approval is not granted, the student will be required to complete his or her degree through the two-course capstone track.

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*ThM students who began their program prior to the 2021-22 academic year may submit a thesis proposal prior to completing the research language. However, the research language must be completed prior to submitting the thesis, and it must be incorporated into the project.

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