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Purpose of the MAR program
Jackie Gober avatar
Written by Jackie Gober
Updated over a week ago

Our MAR program is customizable and can be tailored to your specific interests and calling. This program is focused for men and women who desire theological training, but do not intend to pursue ordination.

The MAR can lead to further academic work or simply act as a terminal degree for your own benefit.

Throughout your coursework, you will be grounded in the Scriptures, Reformed theology, church history, and apologetics. You will learn to: 

  1. Exhibit a deep love for the triune God, His word, His truth, and His church; and a Christ-like humility in relation to others.

  2. Understand and articulate in writing a foundational knowledge of theological disciplines, including the Scriptures, Reformed theology, church history and apologetics.

  3. Understand and articulate in writing a more focused knowledge of the student’s area of emphasis as preparation for advanced academic work.

  4. Understand and articulate the system of doctrine contained in the Westminster standards and its importance for biblical and systematic theology, and integrate this doctrine into life and ministry.

  5. Be able to exegete the text of Scripture as given in the original languages.

To learn more about the requirements for each emphasis and see the recommended course schedules for the MAR degree, please refer to our Academic Catalog or check out Stellic to plan your degree path.

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