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ThM Comprehensive Exam Preparation
Myranda Scherschligt avatar
Written by Myranda Scherschligt
Updated over a week ago

How do I schedule the exam?

Comprehensive exams will be scheduled in the final semester of your degree, typically during the reading period. You should indicate that you want to take the exam by registering for it in Populi before the add/drop deadline of your final semester.

Email Myranda Scherschligt at for more information about scheduling your oral Comprehensive Exam for the ThM.

Hermeneutics & Biblical Studies

Typically biblical studies ThM students (NT, OT) must complete their program with the 'two-course capstone' and the comprehensive exam. Since there is no thesis, the comprehensive exam normally focuses on common threads throughout your coursework.

New Testament

For the exam, students should have a general understanding of NT introductory matters and NT theology. Students should review Carson and Moo and be familiar with the overall content of each NT book. They will also be accountable for translating Greek in John's Gospel, Ephesians, and Revelation, and will be asked to analyze the textual apparatus.

Old Testament

Students should have a general understanding of OT introductory matters and theology (e.g. What are the different views of wrote the Pentateuch? Why does it matter? Why is Joshua - 2 Kings often called the "Deuteronomic History? etc.) along with Hebrew translation and basic text critical understanding.  Students should review OT introductions like Dillard and Longman and be ready to translate some Hebrew. Students should use this study guide for preparation.

Further questions regarding the oral examination may be directed to the faculty department heads.

Historical & Theological Studies

For students submitting a thesis, the comprehensive exam normally acts as a kind of mini-'defense', in which he or she may be asked to clarify or extend discussions from the thesis. We recommend that students connect with their advisor for more specifics.

Typically historical or theological studies ThM students (AP, ST, CH) complete their program with the thesis or two-course capstone and the comprehensive exam, explained more below.

Students who started their ThM degree before Summer or Fall 2023 should meet with the head of their department as soon as possible to better understand how to prepare for the comprehensive exam.

Students who started their ThM degree in Summer or Fall of 2023 or later: Upon admission, each ThM student in the Historical and Theological Studies concentration will be provided a reading list. A copy of this list can be obtained by emailing Each student should schedule a meeting with the head of his or her department within the first semester of his or her program to determine which works he or she should read throughout the duration of his or her program. The comprehensive exam will focus on these chosen readings, as well as the general ThM program requirements and each student’s own coursework.

Further questions regarding the oral examination and/or the reading list may be directed to the department heads.

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